标准号:IEC 60730-2-10-2006
英文名称:Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 2 10: Particular requirements for electrically operated motor-starting relays
代替标准:IEC 72/623/CDV-2004;IEC 72/711/FDIS-2006;IEC 60730-2-10-1991;IEC 60730-2-10 AMD 1-1994;IEC 60730-2-10 AMD 2-2001
采用标准:DIN EN 60730-2-10-2008,IDT;BS EN 60730-2-10-2008,IDT;GB 14536.11-2008,IDT;EN 60730-2-10-2007,IDT;prEN 60730-2-10-2007,IDT;NF C47-740-2008,IDT;JIS C 9730-2-10-2010,IDT;OEVE/OENORM EN 60730-2-10-2008,IDT

N-EN 60730-2-10-2008,IDT

N-EN 60730-2-10-2010,IDT;UNE-EN 60730-2-10-2008,IDT
起草单位:IEC/TC 72
标准简介:1.1 Replacement:
This part of IEC 60730 applies to controls for automatically controlling the starting windings of
single phase motors associated with equipment for household and similar use.
This standard applies to motor-starting relays using NTC or PTC thermistors, additional
requirements for which are contained in Annex J.
1.1.1 This standard applies to the inherent safety, to the operating values, operating times
and operating sequences where such are associated with equipment safety, and to the testing
of motor-starting relays used in, or in association with, household or similar equipment.
Motor-starting relays for equipment not intended for normal household use, but which
nevertheless may be used by the public, such as equipment intended to be used by laymen in
shops, in light industry and on farms, are within the scope of this standard.
This standard does not apply to motor-starting relays designed exclusively for industrial
Throughout this standard, the word "equipment" means "appliance and equipment". The words "starting relay"
mean "motor-starting relay".
1.1.2 This standard applies to starting relays incorporating electronic devices and starting
relays using thermistor elements, thermal elements and magnetic elements.
1.1.3 This standard does not apply to general purpose relays or to contactors and motor
starters of the type covered by the IEC 60947 series1. This standard does not apply to
mechanical timers or mechanically operated motor-starting devices.
1.1.4 This standard applies to manual controls when such are electrically and/or
mechanically integral with starting relays.
Requirements for manual switches not forming part of a starting relay are contained in
IEC 61058-1.
1.2 Replacement:
This standard applies to starting relays with a rated voltage not exceeding 690 V and with a
rated current not exceeding 63 A.
1.3 Replacement:
This standard does not take into account the response value of an automatic action of a
starting relay, if such a response value is dependent upon the method of mounting the starting
relay in the equipment. Where a response value is of significant purpose for the protection of
the user or surroundings, the value defined in the appropriate household equipment standard
or as determined by the manufacturer shall apply.
1.4 Replacement:
This standard applies also to motor-starting relays incorporating electronic devices,
requirements for which are contained in Annex H.
