标准号:IEC 61347-2-7-2006
中文名称:灯的控制装置 第2-7部分:应急照明用直流电子镇流器的特殊要求
英文名称:Lamp controlgear - Part 2-7: Particular requirements for d.c. supplied electronic ballasts for emergency lighting
被替代标准:IEC 61347-2-7-2011
代替标准:IEC 34C/754/FDIS-2006;IEC 61347-2-7-2000
采用标准:DIN EN 61347-2-7-2007,IDT;BS EN 61347-2-7-2007,IDT;GB 19510.8-2009,IDT;EN 61347-2-7-2006,IDT;NF C71-247-7-2007,IDT;OEVE/OENORM EN 61347-2-7-2007,IDT

N-EN 61347-2-7-2007,IDT

N-EN 61347-2-7-2009,IDT;UNE-EN 61347-2-7-2007,IDT
起草单位:IEC/SC 34C
标准简介:This part of IEC 61347 specifies particular safety requirements for d.c. supplied electronic
ballasts for maintained and non-maintained emergency lighting purposes.
It includes specific requirements for ballasts and control units for luminaires for emergency
lighting as specified by IEC 60598-2-22.
DC supplied electronic ballasts for emergency lighting may or may not include batteries.
This standard also includes operational requirements for ballasts which, in the case of other
d.c. supplied electronic ballasts, are regarded as performance requirements. This is because
non-operational emergency lighting equipment presents a safety hazard.
NOTE Annex J of IEC 61347-2-3 applies to a.c. supplied ballasts (normal operation) that are also suitable for
emergency lighting operation from ac/dc supplies.
