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IEC 61066-2006 个人和环境监测用热释光剂量测量系统.pdf


IEC 61066-2006 个人和环境监测用热释光剂量测量系统:
标准号:IEC 61066-2006
英文名称:Thermoluminescence dosimetry systems for personal and environmental monitoring
代替标准:IEC 45B/495/FDIS-2006;IEC 61066-1991
采用标准:DIN IEC 61066-2007,IDT
起草单位:IEC/SC 45B
标准简介:This International Standard applies to thermoluminescence dosimetry (TLD) systems that are
used for measuring the personal dose equivalents Hp(10) or Hp(0,07) or the ambient dose
equivalent H*(10) for external photon or beta radiation within the dose range from 0,01 mSv to
10 Sv. Different energy ranges are specified for different operational quantities and radiation
types, as evident in the following Table. All the energy values given are mean energies with
respect to the prevailing dose quantity.
NOTE 1 In this standard, “dose” means personal or ambient dose equivalent, unless otherwise stated.
NOTE 2 For Hp(10) and H*(10) no beta radiation is considered as no conversion coefficients are available, neither
in ICRU 56, ICRU 57 nor in ISO 6980.
This standard is intended to be applied to thermoluminescence dosimetry (TLD) systems that
are capable of evaluating doses from readings in the required unit (Sv). The only correction
that may be applied is the one resulting from natural background radiation using extra
NOTE 3 The correction due to natural background may be made before or after the dose calculation.
In this standard, requirements are stated, as a minimum, for fixed ranges of influence quantities,
for example 80 keV to 1,25 MeV for photon energy (see Tables 3 to 5). A dosimetry
system shall fulfil the requirements stated for these minimal ranges. However, the
manufacturer may state larger ranges for the different influence quantities, for example
60 keV to 7 MeV. These larger ranges are called rated ranges. In such cases, the dosimetry
systems must fulfil the requirements stated for these rated ranges. Thus, dosimetry systems
can be classified by stating a set of ranges (for dose, energy, temperature, etc.) within which
the requirements stated in this standard are met.
For the dosimetry systems described above, this standard specifies general characteristics,
general test procedures and performance requirements, radiation characteristics as well as
environmental, electrical, mechanical, software and safety characteristics.
The absolute calibration of the dosimetry system is not checked during a type test according
to this standard as only system properties are of interest. The absolute calibration is checked
during a routine test.
This standard does not incorporate requirements for neutron dosemeters nor does it cover the handling of the resulting data.

IEC 61066-2006 个人和环境监测用热释光剂量测量系统