标准号:ISO 10110-7-2008
英文名称:Optics and photonics - Preparation of drawings for optical elements and systems - Part 7: Surface imperfection tolerances
代替标准:ISO 10110-7-1996;ISO/FDIS 10110-7-2007
采用标准:DIN ISO 10110-7-2009,IDT;DIN ISO 10110-7-2008,IDT;BS ISO 10110-7-2008,IDT;NF S10-008-7-2008,IDT;JIS B 0090-7-2012,MOD;NEN-ISO 10110-7-2008 en-2008,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 172
标准简介:ISO 10110 specifies the presentation of design and functional requirements for single optical elements and for
optical assemblies in technical drawings used for their manufacture and inspection.
This part of ISO 10110 specifies the indication of the level of acceptability of surface imperfections within the
effective aperture of individual optical elements and optical assemblies. These include localized surface
imperfections, edge chips and long scratches.
It is to be noted that the acceptance level for localized imperfections is specified taking into account functional
effects (affecting image formation or durability of the optical element) as well as cosmetic (appearance) effects.
This part of ISO 10110 applies to transmitting and reflecting surfaces of finished optical elements, whether or
not they are coated, and to optical assemblies. It recognizes that permissible imperfections may be specified
according to the area affected by imperfections on components or in optical assemblies.
