标准号:ISO/TS 24534-2-2007
英文名称:Automatic vehicle and equipment identification - Electronic Registration Identification (ERI) for vehicles - Part 2: Operational requirements
被替代标准:ISO 24534-2-2010
采用标准:BS DD ISO/TS 24534-1-2008,IDT;BS DD ISO/TS 24534-2-2008,IDT;CEN ISO/TS 24534-2-2007,IDT;OENORM CEN ISO/TS 24534-2-2008,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 204
标准简介:This part of ISO/TS 24534 provides the requirements for electronic registration that is based on an identifier
assigned to a vehicle (e.g. for recognition by national authorities) suitable to be used for:
electronic identification of local and foreign vehicles by national authorities,
vehicle manufacturing, in-life-maintenance and end-of-life identification (vehicle life cycle management),
adaptation of vehicle data (e.g. for international resales),
safety-related purposes,
crime reduction, and
commercial services.
It adheres to privacy and data protection regulations.
This part of ISO/TS 24534 defines the operational requirements for the remaining parts of ISO/TS 24534 and
the more limited but relevant provisions of ISO 24535.
Whilst the definition of the organizational framework required to implement, operate and maintain an ERI
system is outside the scope of this part of ISO/TS 24534, a list of potential stakeholders in the public and
private sector has been included.
