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ISO_IEC 19785-1-2006 信息技术.通用生物统计交换格式框架结构.第1部分_数据元素规范.pdf


ISO/IEC 19785-1-2006 信息技术.通用生物统计交换格式框架结构.第1部分:数据元素规范:
标准号:ISO/IEC 19785-1-2006
英文名称:Information technology - Common Biometric Exchange Formats Framework - Part 1: Data element specification
被替代标准:ISO/IEC 19785-1-2015
代替标准:ISO/IEC FDIS 19785-1-2005
采用标准:ANSI/INCITS/ISO/IEC 19785-1-2008,IDT;09/30201849 DC-2009,IDT;BS ISO/IEC 19785-1+A1-2006,IDT;GOST R ISO/IEC 19785-1-2008,IDT
起草单位:ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 37
标准简介:1.1 This part of ISO/IEC 19785 defines structures and data elements for biometric information records
1.2 This part of ISO/IEC 19785 defines the concept of a domain of use to establish the applicability of a
standard or specification that complies with CBEFF requirements.
1.3 This part of ISO/IEC 19785 defines the concept of a CBEFF patron format, which is a published BIR
format specification that complies with CBEFF requirements, specified by a CBEFF patron.
1.4 This part of ISO/IEC 19785 defines the abstract values (and associated semantics) of a set of CBEFF
data elements to be used in the definition of CBEFF patron formats.
1.5 This part of ISO/IEC 19785 specifies the use of CBEFF data elements by a CBEFF patron to define the
content and encoding of a standard biometric header (SBH) to be included in a biometric information record
(i.e. the definition of a CBEFF patron format).
1.6 This part of ISO/IEC 19785 provides the means for identification of the formats of the biometric data
blocks (BDBs) in a BIR, but the standardization and interoperability of BDB formats is not in the scope of this
part of ISO/IEC 19785. It also provides a means (the security block) for BIRs to carry information about the
encryption of a BDB in the BIR and about integrity mechanisms applied to the BIR as a whole, but the
structure and content of security blocks is the responsibility of CBEFF patrons and is not in the scope of this
part of ISO/IEC 19785. Further, the specification of encryption mechanisms for BDBs and of integrity
mechanisms for BIRs is not in the scope of this part of ISO/IEC 19785.
1.7 This part of ISO/IEC 19785 specifies transformations from one CBEFF patron format to a different
CBEFF patron format.
1.8 The encoding of the abstract values of CBEFF data elements to be used in the specification of CBEFF
patron formats is not in the scope of this part of ISO/IEC 19785.
1.9 ISO/IEC 19785-2 specifies the operation of the Biometric Registration Authority for the issuing of
biometric organization identifiers and the registration of BDB formats, CBEFF patron formats, security block
formats, and biometric products.
1.10 A future part of ISO/IEC 19785 (ISO/IEC 19785-3) will specify several patron format specifications for
which ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 37 is the CBEFF patron.
1.11 Protection of the privacy of individuals from inappropriate dissemination and use of biometric data is not
in the scope of this part of ISO/IEC 19785, but may be subject to national regulation.

ISO/IEC 19785-1-2006 信息技术.通用生物统计交换格式框架结构.第1部分:数据元素规范