标准号:ISO/TS 21929-1-2006
英文名称:Sustainability in building construction - Sustainability indicators - Part 1: Framework for development of indicators for buildings
被替代标准:ISO 21929-1-2011
采用标准:UNE-ISO/TS 21929-1 IN-2009,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 59
标准简介:This part of ISO/TS 21929 provides a framework, makes recommendations, and gives guidelines for the development and selection of appropriate sustainability indicators for buildings.
The aim of this part of ISO/TS 21929 is to define the process that shall be followed when addressing the economic, environmental and social impacts of a building using a common framework and a set of indicators. This part of ISO/TS 21929:
— adapts general sustainability principles for buildings;
— includes a framework for the assessment of economic, environmental and social impacts of buildings;
— shows indicators as examples;
— shows how to use sustainability indicators with regard to buildings and shows the process of using sustainability indicators;
— supports the process of choosing indicators;
— supports the development of assessment tools;
— defines the conformity with this specification.
NOTE An associated document, designated as ISO 15392t5l, is under development and is intended to describe the general principles. Such general principles can be extended or modified, and potentially superseded by, the specific requirements of this part of ISO/TS 21929.
