麦田学社 下载中心 标准分享 国际标准 ISO 15830-3-2005 道路车辆.WorldSID 50th percentile侧面碰撞(试验)男性假人的设计和性能规范.第3部分_电子子系统.pdf

ISO 15830-3-2005 道路车辆.WorldSID 50th percentile侧面碰撞(试验)男性假人的设计和性能规范.第3部分_电子子系统.pdf


ISO 15830-3-2005 道路车辆.WorldSID 50th percentile侧面碰撞(试验)男性假人的设计和性能规范.第3部分:电子子系统:
标准号:ISO 15830-3-2005
中文名称:道路车辆.WorldSID 50th percentile侧面碰撞(试验)男性假人的设计和性能规范.第3部分:电子子系统
英文名称:Road vehicles - Design and performance specifications for the WorldSID 50th percentile male side-impact dummy - Part 3: Electronic subsystems
被替代标准:ISO 15830-3-2013
代替标准:ISO/DIS 15830-3-2005
采用标准:BS ISO 15830-3-2006,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 22
标准简介:This part of ISO 15830 specifies requirements for electronic components of the WorldSID 50th percentile side
impact dummy, a standard anthropomorphic dummy for side impact testing of road vehicles. It is applicable to
impact tests involving:
-- passenger vehicles of categories M1 and goods vehicles of categories N1,
-- impacts to the side of the vehicle structure, and
-- impact tests involving the use of an anthropometric dummy as a human surrogate for the purpose of
evaluating compliance with vehicle safety standards.

ISO 15830-3-2005 道路车辆.WorldSID 50th percentile侧面碰撞(试验)男性假人的设计和性能规范.第3部分:电子子系统