标准号:ISO/TS 15000-5-2005
英文名称:Electronic Business Extensible Markup Language (ebXML) - Part 5: ebXML Core Components Technical Specification, Version 2.01(ebCCTS)
被替代标准:ISO 15000-5-2014
采用标准:DIN V 16566-1-2004,IDT;GB/T 19256.9-2006,MOD;UN/CEFACT V2.01-2003,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 154
标准简介:ISO/TS 15000-5:2005 can be employed wherever business information is being shared or exchanged amongst and between enterprises, governmental agencies, and/or other organisations in an open and worldwide environment.
ISO/TS 15000-5:2005 will form the basis for standards development work of business analysts,
business users and information technology specialists supplying the content of and
implementing applications that will employ the UN/CEFACT Core Component Library
(CCL). The Core Component Library will be stored in a UN/CEFACT repository and
identified in an ebXML compliant registry.
Due to the evolving nature of the UN/CEFACT Core Component Library, ISO/TS 15000-5:2005
includes material that focuses on the business community doing further discovery and
analysis work. Some of the contents of ISO/TS 15000-5:2005 are not typical of this type of
technical document. However, they are critical for successful adoption and standardization in
this area to move forward.
