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ISO 15712-4-2005 建筑声学.从建筑构件性能评定建筑物声学性能.第4部分_室内声音传播到室外.pdf


ISO 15712-4-2005 建筑声学.从建筑构件性能评定建筑物声学性能.第4部分:室内声音传播到室外:
标准号:ISO 15712-4-2005
英文名称:Building acoustics - Estimation of acoustic performance of buildings from the performance of elements - Part 4: Transmission of indoor sound to the outside
被替代标准:ISO 12354-4-2017
代替标准:ISO/DIS 15712-4-2002
采用标准:EN 12354-4-2000,IDT;TS EN 12354-4-2006,IDT;DS/EN 12354-4-2001,IDT;DS/EN 12354-4-2001,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 43
标准简介:This European Standard describes a calculation model for the sound power level radiated by the envelope of a building due to airborne sound inside that building, primarily by means of measured sound pressure levels inside the building and measured data which characterize the sound transmission by the relevant elements and openings in the building envelope. These sound power levels, together with those of other sound sources in or in front of the building envelope, form the basis for the calculation of the sound pressure level at a chosen distance from a building as a measure for the acoustic performance of buildings.
The prediction of the inside sound pressure level from knowledge of the indoor sound sources is outside the scope of this European Standard.
The prediction of the outdoor sound propagation is outside the scope of this European Standard.
NOTE     For simple propagation conditions an approach is given for the estimation of the sound pressure level in informative annex E.
This European Standard describes the principles of the calculation model, lists the relevant quantities and defines its applications and restrictions. It is intended for acoustical experts and provides the framework for the development of application documents and tools for other users in the field of building construction, taking into account local circumstances.

ISO 15712-4-2005 建筑声学.从建筑构件性能评定建筑物声学性能.第4部分:室内声音传播到室外