标准号:ISO/IEC 1539-1-2004
英文名称:Information technology - Programming languages - Fortran - Part 1: Base language
被替代标准:ISO/IEC 1539-1-2010
代替标准:ISO/IEC 1539-1-1997;ISO/IEC FDIS 1539-1-2004;ISO/IEC 1539-1 Technical Corrigendum 1-2001;ISO/IEC 1539-1 Technical Corrigendum 2-2002
采用标准:ANSI/INCITS/ISO/IEC 1539-1-2007,IDT;BS ISO/IEC 1539-1-2004,IDT;JIS X 3001-1-2009,IDT;CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 1539-1-05-2005,IDT
起草单位:ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22
标准简介:ISO/IEC 1539 is a multipart International Standard; the parts are published separately. This publication,
ISO/IEC 1539-1, which is the first part, specifies the form and establishes the interpretation
programs expressed in the base Fortran language. The purpose of this part of ISO/IEC 1539 is to
promote portability, reliability, maintainability, and efficient execution of Fortran programs for use on
variety of computing systems. The second part, ISO/IEC 1539-2, defines additional facilities for the
manipulation of character strings of variable length. The third part, ISO/IEC 1539-3, defines a standard
conditional compilation facility for Fortran. A processor conforming to part 1 need not conform to
ISO/IEC 1539-2 or ISO/IEC 1539-3; however, conformance to either assumes conformance to this part.
Throughout this publication, the term “this standard” refers to ISO/IEC 1539-1.
