标准号:ISO/TS 15000-1-2004
英文名称:Electronic business eXtensible Markup Language (ebXML) - Part 1: Collaboration-protocol profile and agreement specification (ebCPP)
采用标准:GB/T 19256.2-2006,MOD;OASIS/ebXML CPPA v2.0-2002,IDT;OASIS/ebXML CPPA v2.0 Errata,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 154
标准简介:ISO 15000-1:2004 specifies the requirements for a collaboration-protocol profile (CPP), and a collaboration-protocol agreement (CPA). The CPP describes a trading partner's technical capabilities for performing electronic business. The CPA describes the agreement between two trading partners on the technical capabilities they will use for a specific electronic-business collaboration. Included in the CPP and CPA are details of transport, messaging (using ISO 15000-2:2004), security constraints, and binding to a business-process-specification document that contains the definition of the interactions between the two parties while engaging in a specified electronic business collaboration. ISO 15000-1:2004 defines the mark-up language vocabulary for creating the electronic CPPs and CPAs and includes examples of a pair of CPPs and a CPA derived from them, the process specification document referenced by the CPPs and CPA, and the XML schema governing the structures of CPPs and CPAs. A prospective trading partner may publish one or more CPPs. A CPA for a business collaboration between two trading partners is derived by combining one CPP from each trading partner. The "legal" terms and conditions of a Business agreement are outside the scope of ISO 15000-1:2004.