标准号:ISO 17853-2003
英文名称:Wear of implant materials - Polymer and metal wear particles - Isolation, chacterization and quantification
被替代标准:ISO 17853-2010
代替标准:ISO/DIS 17853-2002
采用标准:BS ISO 17853-2005,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 150
标准简介:This International Standard specifies methods for sampling wear debris generated by total joint prostheses in humans and in joint simulators. It specifies the apparatus, reagents and test methods to isolate, characterize and quantify both polymer and metal wear debris from samples of tissue excised from around the joint prosthesis, obtained at revision surgery or post mortem, and from samples of joint-simulator test fluids.
The method given in this International Standard does not quantify the level of wear the implant produces, nor does it determine the amount of wear from any particular surface. This International Standard does not cover the biological effect of wear debris or provide a method for evaluation of biological safety.
The method given in this International Standard is not applicable to the measurement of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) debris.
