标准号:ISO 7176-21-2003
英文名称:Wheelchairs - Part 21: Requirements and test methods for electromagnetic compatibility of electrically powered wheelchairs and motorized scooters
被替代标准:ISO 7176-21-2009
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 7176-21-2002
采用标准:BS ISO 7176-21-2003,IDT;GOST R ISO 7176-15-2007,MOD;GOST R ISO 22523-2007,MOD;GOST R 52583-2006,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 173
标准简介:This part of ISO 7176 specifies requirements and test methods for electromagnetic emissions and for electromagnetic immunity of electrically powered wheelchairs and motorized scooters with a maximum speed of not more than 15 km/h for indoor and outdoor use by people with disabilities. It is also applicable to manual wheelchairs with an add-on power kit. It is not applicable to vehicles designed to carry more than one person.
This part of ISO 7176 also specifies additional requirements for electromagnetic emissions and for electromagnetic immunity of electrically powered wheelchairs and motorized scooters with a built-in battery charger. It is not applicable to battery chargers that are not built into a wheelchair.
A reference configuration is specified for adjustable wheelchairs and scooters to enable test results to be used for comparison of performance.
NOTE The term "wheelchair" is used in this part of ISO 7176 to cover electrically powered wheelchairs, motorized scooters and manual wheelchairs with an add-on power kit.
