标准号:ISO/ASTM 51205-2002
英文名称:Practice for use of a ceric-cerous sulfate dosimetry system
被替代标准:ISO/ASTM 51205-2009
代替标准:ISO 15555-1998;ISO/ASTM FDIS 51205-2001
采用标准:ASTM/ISO 51205-2002,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 85
标准简介:1 This practice covers the preparation, testing, and proce-dure for using the ceric-cerous sulfate dosimetry system to measure absorbed dose in water when exposed to ionizing radiation. The system consists of a dosimeter and appropriate analytical instrumentation. For simplicity, the system will be referred to as the ceric-cerous system. It is classified as a reference standard dosimetry system (see ISO/ASTM Guide 51261). Ceric-cerous dosimeters are also used as transfer-stan-dard dosimeters or routine dosimeters.
2 This practice describes both the spectrophotometric and the potentiometric readout procedures for the ceric-cerous systems.
3 This practice applies only to γ rays, X rays, and high energy electrons.
4 This practice applies provided the following are satis-fied:
4.1 The absorbed-dose range shall be between 5 × 10<up2> and 5 × 10<up4> Gy (1).<up2>
4.2 The absorbed-dose rate shall be less than 10<up6> Gy/s (1).
4.3 For radionuclide gamma-ray sources, the initial pho-ton energy shall be greater than 0.6 MeV. For bremsstrahlung photons, the initial energy of the electrons used to produce the bremsstrahlung photons shall be equal to or greater than 2 MeV. For electron beams, the initial electron energy shall be greater than 8 MeV.
Note 1—The lower energy limits are appropriate for a cylindrical dosimeter ampoule of 12-mm diameter. Corrections for dose gradients across an ampoule of that diameter or less are not required for photons, but may be required for electron beams (2). The ceric-cerous system may be used at lower energies by employing thinner (in the beam direction) dosimeter containers (see ICRU Report 35).
4.4 The irradiation temperature of the dosimeter shall be between 0 and 62℃ (3).
Note 2—The temperature coefficient of dosimeter response is known only in this range. For use outside this range, the dosimetry system should be calibrated for the required range of irradiation temperatures.
5 This standard does not purport to address all of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
note: 2 The boldface numbers in parenthese refer to the bibliography at the end of this standard.
