标准号:ISO 18906-2000
中文名称:成像材料 照相胶片 安全胶片规范
英文名称:Imaging materials - Photographic films - Specifications for safety film
代替标准:ISO 543-1990;ISO/FDIS 18906-2000
采用标准:DIN 15551-1-1983,MOD;DIN ISO 18906-2004,IDT;DIN ISO 18906-2003,IDT;BS ISO 18906-2001,IDT;GB/T 7430-2012,IDT;NEN-ISO 18906-2001 en-2001,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 42
标准简介:This International Standard provides specifications and test procedures for establishing the safety of photographic films with respect to hazards from fire. The specifications are applicable to both unprocessed and processed<up1)> films on any type of currently known plastic support.
These specifications cover silver films (both gelatin and non-gelatin types), colour films, diazo films, vesicular films, and striped or full-width magnetic films. Magnetic tapes and video recording tapes are excluded.
A field test for burning behaviour is described in informative annex B, and methods of marking film are defined in informative annex C. A simple test to distinguish non-safety nitrate-base film from cellulose ester and polyester-base film is given in informative annex D.
note: 1) Normally, unprocessed and processed films have the same safety characteristics, so either one may be tested for conformance to these specifications. If an additional treatment, such as a lacquer coating, has been applied after processing, the safety characteristics may or may not be affected. In case of doubt, both unprocessed and processed films must be tested.
