麦田学社 下载中心 EN 488-2011 区域供暖管道 直埋式热水供应网用预绝缘粘合管道系统 聚氨酯绝热和聚乙烯外壳钢制给水管的钢阀组件.pdf



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EN 488-2011 区域供暖管道 直埋式热水供应网用预绝缘粘合管道系统 聚氨酯绝热和聚乙烯外壳钢制给水管的钢阀组件.pdf


EN 488-2011 区域供暖管道 直埋式热水供应网用预绝缘粘合管道系统 聚氨酯绝热和聚乙烯外壳钢制给水管的钢阀组件:
标准号:EN 488-2011
中文名称:区域供暖管道 直埋式热水供应网用预绝缘粘合管道系统 聚氨酯绝热和聚乙烯外壳钢制给水管的钢阀组件
英文名称:District heating pipes - Preinsulated bonded pipe systems for directly buried hot water networks - Steel valve assembly for steel service pipes, polyurethane thermal insulation and outer casing of polyethylene (Incorporates Amendment A1: 2014)
代替标准:EN 488-2003
标准简介:This European Standard specifies requirements and test methods for valves of prefabricated thermally insulated valve assemblies comprising a steel valve, rigid polyurethane foam insulation and an outer casing of polyethylene for use in directly buried hot water networks with pre-insulated pipe assemblies in accordance with EN 253.This European Standard applies only to insulated valve assemblies for continuous operation with hot water at various temperatures in accordance with EN 253:2009, Clause 1 and the valve assemblies with a maximum operation pressure of 25 bar. For higher pressures, additional demands apply. Guidelines for quality inspection are given in Annex A of this European Standard. NOTE ForThis application, the following valve types are commonly used: ball valves, gate valves, and butterfly valves.This European Standard does not include calculation rules for loads and stresses. These depend on the configuration of the system as it is installed. The design and installation rules are given in EN 13941:2009+A1:2010.

EN 488-2011 区域供暖管道 直埋式热水供应网用预绝缘粘合管道系统 聚氨酯绝热和聚乙烯外壳钢制给水管的钢阀组件