标准号:ISO 14620-2-2000
中文名称:航天系统 安全要求 第2部分:发射现场操作
英文名称:Space systems-- Safety requirments - Part 2: Launch site operations
被替代标准:ISO 14620-2-2011
代替标准:ISO/DIS 14620-2-1999
采用标准:97/718466 DC-1997,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 20
标准简介:This part of ISO 14620 concerns the safety liabilities for countries undertaking space activities or allowing operators to perform space activities on or from their territory under outer space treaties adopted by the United Nations. It de-fines the safety responsibilities for the operators involved in commercial or non-commercial space launch activities. This part of ISO 14620 establishes the overall safety requirements to be observed on a launch site for prelaunch (in-tegration, test, checking, preparation, etc.) and launch operations of a space object. It provides the basic principles to enable any operator to implement its own safety methods, tools, and procedures, to ensure the safety of people and personnel, public and private property, and the environment, in a consistent and uniform manner.
