标准号:ISO 15686-1-2000
中文名称:房屋和建筑资产 服务年限计划 第1部分:一般原则
英文名称:Buildings and constructed assets - Service life planning - Part 1: General principles
被替代标准:ISO 15686-1-2011
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 15686-1-2000
采用标准:BS ISO 15686-1-2000,IDT

N-ISO 15686-1-2005,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 59
标准简介:This part of ISO 15686 describes the principles and procedures that apply to design when planning the service life of buildings and constructed assets. It is important that the design stage includes systematic consideration of local conditions to ensure, with a high degree of probability, that the service life will be no less than the design life.
This part of ISO 15686 is applicable to both new constructions and the refurbishment of existing structures. However, additional considerations may apply to existing buildings.
NOTE 1 In historic buildings even new work may be ruled by the need to preserve authenticity and certain options may not be available or advisable. They are therefore excluded from specific consideration within this part of ISO 15686.
NOTE 2 The skill and expertise of the person or organization undertaking the service life planning will be crucial to the reliability of the planning. Ideally a team of people who have the necessary skills in service life forecasting, design, construction and maintenance management will be represented within the project team. Familiarity with in-use conditions and construction conditions for the type of project will be of great assistance in determining typical conditions. Familiarity with the area will assist in identifying environmental factors which may not occur to strangers to the area. It is particularly important to consider local agents. These may include agents of degradation (e.g. emissions from a local power station).
NOTE 3 Wherever the term "buildings" is used in the text it should be read as "buildings and constructed assets". Constructed assets covers everything that is constructed or results from construction operations.
