标准号:ISO 15171-2-2000
中文名称:用于流体传动和一般用途的管接头 诊断用液压管接头 第2部分:带M16×2螺纹端的压力连接接头
英文名称:Connections for fluid power and general use - Hydraulic couplings for diagnostic purposes - Part 2: Coupling with M16 × 2 end for connection under pressure
被替代标准:ISO 15171-2-2016
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 15171-2-2000
采用标准:DIN ISO 15171-2-2004,IDT;DIN ISO 15171-2-2003,IDT;BS ISO 15171-2-2000,IDT;NF E48-057-2-2001,IDT;E48-057-2PR,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 131
标准简介:This part of ISO 15171 specifies dimensions, performance requirements and test procedures for a diagnostic cou-pling with an M14 × 1,5 straight stud end to mate with an ISO 6149-1 port and an M16 × 2 connection end that can be connected under pressure without tools to a maximum pressure of 40 MPa [400 bar<up1)>]. The dimensions of the coupling counterpart are specified. The coupling is designed for use in hydraulic systems that use mineral oil.
NOTE The use of this coupling with fluids other than mineral oil requires an agreement between the supplier and the purchaser.
Couplings in accordance with this part of ISO 15171 may be used at a maximum working pressure of 63 MPa (630 bar). The permissible working pressure depends upon the materials, design, working conditions, application, etc.
Conformance to the dimensional information in this part of ISO 15171 does not guarantee rated performance. Each manufacturer should perform testing according to the specification contained in this part of ISO 15171 to assure that components comply with the performance rating.
note: 1) 1 bar =0,1 MPa = 10<up5> Pa; 1 Pa = 1 N/m<up2>
