麦田学社 下载中心 EN 1253-1-2015 建筑沟.第 1部分:至少50毫米深的水密封困楼沟.pdf



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EN 1253-1-2015 建筑沟.第 1部分:至少50毫米深的水密封困楼沟.pdf


EN 1253-1-2015 建筑沟.第 1部分:至少50毫米深的水密封困楼沟:
标准号:EN 1253-1-2015
中文名称:建筑沟.第 1部分:至少50毫米深的水密封困楼沟
英文名称:Gullies for buildings - Part 1: Trapped floor gullies with a depth water seal of at least 50 mm
代替标准:EN 1253-1-2003;FprEN 1253-1-2014;EN 1253-2-2003
采用标准:DIN EN 1253-1-2015,IDT;BS EN 1253-1-2015,IDT;NF P16-330-1-2015,IDT;SN EN 1253-1-2015,IDT;OENORM EN 1253-1-2015,IDTN-EN 1253-1-2015,IDT;SS-EN 1253-1-2015,IDT;UNE-EN 1253-1-2015,IDT;TS EN 1253-1-2015,IDT;DS/EN 1253-1-2015,IDT;UNI EN 1253-1:2015-2015,IDT;STN EN 1253-1-2015,IDT;CSN EN 1253-1-2015,IDT;CSN EN 1253-1-2016,IDT;DS/EN 1253-1-2015,IDT;NEN-EN 1253-1:2015 en-2015,IDT;SFS-EN 1253-1:en-2015,IDT
标准简介:This European Standard classifies floor gullies for use inside buildings, gives guidance for places of installation and specifies requirements for the construction, design, performance and marking of factory made gullies for buildings, irrespective of the material, for use in drainage systems requiring a trap with a depth of water seal of at least 50 mm (further: floor gullies). Although normally used to convey domestic wastewater, these floor gullies may convey other wastewater, e. g. industrial wastewater, provided there is no risk of damage to components or of injury to health. This European Standard does not apply to:- linear drainage channels as specified in EN 1433; - gully tops and manhole tops which are specified in EN 124; - roof drains and floor gullies without trap as specified in EN 1253-2.


EN 1253-1-2015 建筑沟.第 1部分:至少50毫米深的水密封困楼沟