标准号:ISO 8381-2000
中文名称:以乳为基料的婴儿食品 测定脂肪含量 重量分析法(参照法)
英文名称:Milk-based infant foods - Determination of fat content - Gravimetric method (Reference method)
被替代标准:ISO 8381-2008;IDF 123-2008
代替标准:ISO 8381-1987;ISO/FDIS 8381-1999
采用标准:DIN EN ISO 8381-2000,IDT;BS EN ISO 8381-2000,IDT;EN ISO 8381-2000,IDT;NF V04-050-2000,IDT;SN EN ISO 8381-2000,IDT;OENORM EN ISO 8381-2000,IDT;UNE-EN ISO 8381-2001,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 34
标准简介:This International Standard specifies the reference method for the determination of the fat content of milk-based infant foods.
The method is applicable to liquid, concentrated and dried milk-based infant foods with no, or not more than a mass fraction of 5 % (dry matter) of starch or dextrin, or vegetable, fruit, meat, etc.
NOTE 1 Malto-dextrins without higher molecular mass dextrins, which are often present in infant foods, do not disturb the Rose-Gottlieb extraction even when present in high concentrations.
The method is not applicable to products which do not dissolve completely in ammonia owing to the presence of more than a few percent of starch or dextrin, or to the presence of hard lumps. The method is also not applicable to products which contains free fatty acids in significant quantities. The results obtained for these products will be too low.
NOTE 2 For such products, recourse should be made to a method utilizing the Weibull-Bemtrop principle (see ISO 8262-1).
