ISO 15031-4-2014 道路车辆. 车辆与排放诊断用外部设备间的通信. 第4部分: 外部测试设备

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标准号:ISO 15031-4-2014
中文名称:道路车辆. 车辆与排放诊断用外部设备间的通信. 第4部分: 外部测试设备
英文名称:Road vehicles - Communication between vehicle and external equipment for emissions-related diagnostics - Part 4: External test equipment
代替标准:ISO 15031-4-2005;ISO/FDIS 15031-4-2013
采用标准:BS ISO 15031-4-2014,IDT;SS-ISO 15031-4-2014,IDT;KS R ISO 15031-4-2016,IDT;DS/ISO 15031-4-2014,IDT;DS/ISO 15031-4-2014,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 22
标准简介:This part of ISO 15031 specifies a set of standard diagnostic services to be provided by vehicles (OBD services). This part of ISO 15031 specifies a complementary set of facilities,to be provided by external test equipment,which will include scan tool facilities. These facilities provide complete,efficient,and safe access to all of the public OBD (on-board diagnosis) services on any vehicle, which is compliant with this part of ISO 15031.

ISO 15031-4-2014 道路车辆. 车辆与排放诊断用外部设备间的通信. 第4部分_ 外部测试设备.pdf (670.97 KB)

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