IEC 61557-7-2007 1000V交流和小于1500V直流低压配电系统中的电气安全性.防护措施的试验、测量和监控设备.第7部分:相序

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标准号:IEC 61557-7-2007
英文名称:Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1000 V a.c. and 1500 V d.c. - Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 7: Phase sequence
代替标准:IEC 85/295/FDIS-2006;IEC 61557-7-1997
采用标准:DIN EN 61557-7-2008,IDT;BS EN 61557-7-2007,IDT;EN 61557-7-2007,IDT;NF C42-198-7-2007,IDT;OEVE/OENORM EN 61557-7-2008,IDT;PN-EN 61557-7-2007,IDT;UNE-EN 61557-7-2007,IDT
起草单位:IEC/TC 85
标准简介:This part of IEC 61557 specifies the requirements for measuring equipment applied to testing the phase sequence in three-phase distribution systems. Indication of the phase sequence may be mechanical, visual and/or audible.
This part of IEC 61557 does not apply to ancillary measuring equipment for other quantities, for example voltage testers comprising an additional phase sequence indicator. It does not apply to monitoring relays.
NOTE Phase lamps are not considered to be voltage testers.

IEC 61557-7-2007 1000V交流和小于1500V直流低压配电系统中的电气安全性.防护措施的试验、测量和监控设备.第7部分_相序.pdf (155.07 KB)

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