ISO 28560-1-2011 信息和文档.RFID在图书馆的应用.第1部分:数据元素与实施一般指南

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标准号:ISO 28560-1-2011
英文名称:Information and documentation - RFID in libraries - Part 1: Data elements and general guidelines for implementation
被替代标准:ISO 28560-1-2014
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 28560-1-2010
采用标准:BS ISO 28560-1-2011,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 46
标准简介:This part of ISO 28560 specifies a model for the use of radio frequency identification (RFID) tags for items appropriate for the needs of all types of libraries, including academic, public, corporate, special and school.
This part of ISO 28560 provides the framework to ensure interoperability between libraries that exchange library items with RFID tags, the freedom of the library to acquire or renew equipment or library items from different vendors and interoperability of a single RFID application from the vendor's perspective.
This part of ISO 28560 specifies a set of data elements and general guidelines for implementation, to meet the needs for:
- circulation of library items;
- acquisition of library items;
- interlibrary loan processes;
- data requirements of publishers, printers and other suppliers of library items;
- inventory and stock checking of items.
This part of ISO 28560 gives guidelines for item security, profiles, privacy, implementation, migration, label design and location of the RFID label.
This part of ISO 28560 specifies the data model, system data elements and user data elements to be used in conjunction with ISO 28560-2, ISO 28560-3 and any future parts of ISO 28560.
A source of additional information about implementation issues is provided in Annex A.

ISO 28560-1-2011 信息和文档.RFID在图书馆的应用.第1部分_数据元素与实施一般指南.pdf (409 KB)

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