ISO 29281-2011 智能运输系统.地面车辆用通信通道(CALM).非IP网

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标准号:ISO 29281-2011
英文名称:Intelligent transport systems — Communications access for land mobiles (CALM) — Non-IP networking
被替代标准:ISO 29281-1-2013;ISO 29281-2-2013
代替标准:ISO/DIS 29281-2009
采用标准:BS ISO 29281-2011,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 204
标准简介:This International Standards specifies FAST services, i.e.
- FAST networking & transport layer protocols for
- single-hop communications,
- N-hop broadcast communications,
- ITS-MUX, and
- ITS station-internal forwarding,
- FAST service for 15628 CI (DSRC CI) support,
- FAST service for 15628 application support,
and the related support of the MN-SAP and MF-SAP.
This International Standard references ISO 24102 for related specifications of
- FAST ITS service announcement, and
- groupcast management.
NOTE Formerly “FAST ITS service announcement” was referred to as “FAST service advertisement”. The name is being changed in order to align with terminology specified in ISO 21217.
Wherever practicable, this International Standard has been developed by reference to suitable extant
standards, adopted by selection.

ISO 29281-2011 智能运输系统.地面车辆用通信通道(CALM).非IP网.pdf (1.22 MB)

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