ISO/IEC 29109-5-2011 信息技术.ISO/IEC 19794标准中定义的生物识别数据交换格式用一致性试验方法体系.第5部分:面部图像数据

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标准号:ISO/IEC 29109-5-2011
中文名称:信息技术.ISO/IEC 19794标准中定义的生物识别数据交换格式用一致性试验方法体系.第5部分:面部图像数据
英文名称:Information technology — Conformance testing methodology for biometric data interchange formats defined in ISO/IEC 19794 —Part 5:Face image data
被替代标准:ISO/IEC 29109-5-2012
代替标准:ISO/IEC FDIS 29109-5-2010
采用标准:BS ISO/IEC 29109-5-2011,IDT
起草单位:ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 37
标准简介:This part of ISO/IEC 29109 specifies elements of conformance testing methodology, test assertions, and test procedures as applicable to the ISO/IEC 19794-5-2005 biometric data interchange format standard for face image data.
This part of ISO/IEC 29109 establishes
- test assertions of the structure of the face image data format as specified in ISO/IEC 19794-5-2005 (Type A Level 1 as defined in ISO/IEC 29109-1-2009),
- test assertions of internal consistency by checking the types of values that can be contained within each field (Type A Level 2 as defined in ISO/IEC 29109-1-2009),
- tests of semantic assertions (Type A Level 3 as defined in ISO/IEC 29109-1-2009).
This part of ISO/IEC 29109 does not establish
- tests of conformance of CBEFF structures required by ISO/IEC 19794-5-2005,
- tests of consistency with the input biometric data record (Level 3),
- tests of conformance of the image data to the quality-related specifications of ISO/IEC 19794-5-2005,
- tests of conformance of the image data blocks to the respective JPEG or JPEG 2000 standards,
- tests of other characteristics of biometric products or other types of testing of biometric products (e.g. acceptance, performance, robustness, security),
- tests of conformance of 3D face records defined in ISO/IEC 19794-5-2005/Amd.2.

ISO_IEC 29109-5-2011 信息技术.ISO_IEC 19794标准中定义的生物识别数据交换格式用一致性试验方法体系.第5部分_面部图像数据.pdf (428.12 KB)

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