标准号:ISO 21216-2011
中文名称:智能运输系统:无线通信. 采用毫米波通信的CALM. 空气界面
英文名称:Intelligent transport systems. Wireless communications. CALM using millimetre communications. Air interface
被替代标准:ISO 21216-2012
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 21216-2010
采用标准:BS ISO 21216-2011,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 204
标准简介:This International Standard covers the open systems interconnection (OSI) Layer 1 physical layer (PHY) air interface for a communications medium operating in the 60 GHz millimetric frequency range by providing the parameters for medium range, medium to high speed wireless communications in the ITS sector. It specifies the parameters required to interface the Layer 1 of such a system to the communications access for land mobiles (CALM) architecture.
Application-specific requirements are not included in this International Standard. These requirements are defined in the CALM management and upper layer standards, including the CALM application management ISO 24102.
ISO 21216-2011 智能运输系统_无线通信. 采用毫米波通信的CALM. 空气界面.pdf
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