ISO 3862-2009 橡胶软管和软管组件.油基或水基流体用橡胶包皮螺旋钢丝增强液压型.规范

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标准号:ISO 3862-2009
英文名称:Rubber hoses and hose assemblies - Rubber-covered spiral-wire-reinforced hydraulic types for oil-based or water-based fluids - Specification
被替代标准:ISO 3862-2017
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 3862-2009;ISO 3862-1-2001;ISO 3862-2-2005
采用标准:BS ISO 3862-2009,IDT;GB/T 10544-2013,IDT;SS-ISO 3862-2009,IDT;KS M ISO 3862-2012,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 45
标准简介:This International Standard specifies requirements for five types of spiral-wire-reinforced hydraulic hose and
hose assembly of nominal size from 6,3 to 51. They are suitable for use with water-based hydraulic fluids HFC,
HFAE, HFAS and HFB as defined in ISO 6743-4 at temperatures ranging from −40 °C to +60 °C and oil-based
hydraulic fluids HH, HL, HM, HR and HV as defined in ISO 6743-4 at temperatures ranging from −40 °C to
+100 °C for types 4SP and 4SH and −40 °C to +120 °C for types R12, R13 and R15.
NOTE 1 This temperature rating is related to the water-based hydraulic fluids defined in ISO 6743-4.
This International Standard does not include requirements for end fittings. It is limited to requirements for
hoses and hose assemblies.
NOTE 2 It is the responsibility of the user, in consultation with the hose manufacturer, to establish the compatibility of
the hose with the fluid to be used.

ISO 3862-2009 橡胶软管和软管组件.油基或水基流体用橡胶包皮螺旋钢丝增强液压型.规范.pdf (171.25 KB)

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