ISO 7267-1-2008 橡胶包覆的滚柱.表观硬度的测定.第1部分:国际橡胶硬度标度(IRHD)法

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标准号:ISO 7267-1-2008
英文名称:Rubber-covered rollers - Determination of apparent hardness - Part 1: IRHD method
代替标准:ISO 7267-1-1997;ISO/DIS 7267-1-2007
采用标准:BS ISO 7267-1-2009,IDT;NF T47-404-1-2008,IDT;SS-ISO 7267-1-2008,IDT;KS M ISO 7267-1-2010,IDT;NEN-ISO 7267-1-2008 en-2008,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 45
标准简介:This part of ISO 7267 specifies a method for the determination of the apparent hardness, expressed in
International Rubber Hardness Degrees (IRHD), of vulcanized- or thermoplastic-rubber roller covers. The
method is similar in principle to the methods used for the determination of the hardness of rubber in ISO 48 in
that it consists essentially of measuring the depth of penetration of a spherical indentor operating under a
specified force. The apparatus used is similar to that described in ISO 48, having a base specifically designed
for application to roller covers and similar curved surfaces.
NOTE    With some rollers, there may be significant variation in the thickness of the rubber over the surface of the
roller, which could affect the measured apparent hardness.

ISO 7267-1-2008 橡胶包覆的滚柱.表观硬度的测定.第1部分_国际橡胶硬度标度(IRHD)法.pdf (186.53 KB)

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