ISO/IEC 19778-1-2008 信息技术.学习、教育和培训.协作技术.协作工作场所.第1部分:协作工作场所数据模型

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标准号:ISO/IEC 19778-1-2008
英文名称:Information technology - Learning, education and training - Collaborative technology - Collaborative workplace - Part 1: Collaborative workplace data model
被替代标准:ISO/IEC 19778-1-2015
代替标准:ISO/IEC FDIS 19778-1-2008
采用标准:ANSI/INCITS/ISO/IEC 19778-1-2010,IDT
起草单位:ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 36
标准简介:1.1 Statement of scope
1.1.1 ISO/IEC 19778
ISO/IEC 19778 is applicable to collaborative technologies used to support communication among learners,
instructors and other participants. The implementation and communicative use of these technologies entails
the creation of information related to participant groups, and to the collaborative environments, functions and
tools that are set up for, and used by, these groups. This part of ISO/IEC 19778 – together with its subsequent
parts – defines Data Models that enable the portability and reuse of this data in integrated form, and allow
Data Model instantiations to be interchanged, stored, retrieved, reused or analysed by a variety of systems.
1.1.2 This part of ISO/IEC 19778
This part of ISO/IEC 19778 specifies a table-based approach for defining Data Models. This Data Model
specification is used for specifying the collaborative workplace Data Model. The same Data Model
specification is also used in ISO/IEC 19778-2 and ISO/IEC 19778-3 to define the related components of the
collaborative environment (ISO/IEC 19778-2) and the collaborative group (ISO/IEC 19778-3) in separate Data
1.2 Subjects and aspects not currently addressed in ISO/IEC 19778
Further parts or future new editions of the existing parts of ISO/IEC 19778 are anticipated. They include the
• Internationalization (e.g. national alternatives for the values of textual, descriptive Data Elements).
• Bindings for the Data Models of Parts 1, 2, and 3 will be provided by additional parts.
• Best practice guides for the use of Parts 1, 2, and 3 will be provided by additional parts.
• Enabling the concurrent use of several international languages in Parts 1, 2, and 3 will be reflected by
future editions.
• Any lessons learnt from practicing Parts 1, 2, and 3 will be reflected by future editions of these parts.
1.3 Excluded subjects and aspects in ISO/IEC 19778
Beyond the scope of ISO/IEC 19778, communities of practice or standardization bodies may provide further
specifications or standards which are not yet identified. These anticipated specifications or standards may
either make use of ISO/IEC 19778, or may – where this is prepared for – specify value domains for Data
Elements of the Data Models of ISO/IEC 19778, or may represent extensions of ISO/IEC 19778 by providing
and referencing Data Models with supplementing information.
Subjects and aspects not provided by ISO/IEC 19778, but anticipated to be provided by further specifications
or standards, include:
• the specification of roles that collaborative group members may play, including the obligations and
permissions associated with these roles;
• the specification of collaborative tools and their collaborative functions, including their technical
capabilities and constraints;
• the specification of models for collaborative applications, including the modelling of tasks, activities and
objectives of such activities.
1.4 Subjects and aspects addressed in related standards
ISO/IEC 19778 is closely related to ISO/IEC 19780-1. This related International Standard enables the
recording, portability and reuse of the communicative contents, the messages or expressions generated in the
course of collaborative activity. The way this communicative data is recorded and captured makes use of
collaborative workplace, collaborative group and collaborative environment Data Model Elements.

ISO_IEC 19778-1-2008 信息技术.学习、教育和培训.协作技术.协作工作场所.第1部分_协作工作场所数据模型.pdf (978.27 KB)

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