ISO 17769-2008 液泵及其安装.一般术语.定义、量、字母符号和单位

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标准号:ISO 17769-2008
英文名称:Liquid pumps and installation - General terms - Definitions, quantities, letter symbols and units
被替代标准:ISO 17769-1-2012
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 17769-2007
起草单位:ISO/TC 115
标准简介:This International Standard deals with terms, letter symbols and units related to the flow of liquids through
rotodynamic and positive displacement liquid pumps and associated installations. It serves as a means of
clarifying communications between the installation designer, manufacturer, operator and plant constructor.
This International Standard identifies the units in common usage but, all other legal units can be used.
This International Standard deals solely with conditions described by positive values for the rate of flow and
pump head. The definitions are set out showing first the most common form of a quantity followed by some
frequently used variants. Other variants can be constructed and appropriate symbols evolved using the
symbols and subscripts shown. Prefixes such as "working" and "design" can also be applied to the defined
This International Standard is not concerned with terms, letter symbols and units referring to the component
parts of rotodynamic and positive-displacement pumps and installations.
Whenever possible, symbols and definitions conform to those used in ISO 31-0 and ISO 1000, with further
explanations where these are deemed appropriate. Some deviations have been incorporated for reasons of

ISO 17769-2008 液泵及其安装.一般术语.定义、量、字母符号和单位.pdf (611.25 KB)

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