ISO 2834-2-2007 印刷技术.试验印件的实验室制备.第2部分:液态印刷油墨

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标准号:ISO 2834-2-2007
英文名称:Graphic technology - Laboratory preparation test prints - Part 2: Liquid printing inks
被替代标准:ISO 2834-2-2015
代替标准:ISO 2834-1999;ISO 2834 Technical Corrigendum 1-2003;ISO/FDIS 2834-2-2007
采用标准:BS ISO 2834-2-2008,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 130
标准简介:This part of ISO 2834 specifies a test method for preparation of test prints produced with liquid water-based or
solvent-based printing inks as used in flexography and gravure printing. These test prints are intended
primarily for optical tests, such as colorimetry, transparency and reflection density as described in ISO 2846-3
and ISO 2846-5. They can also be used for testing gloss, light fastness and the chemical, physical and
mechanical resistance to mechanical and chemical attack regarding either printing ink and/or substrate.
Flexographic inks with higher viscosity, such as those cured by radiation are also covered. This part of
ISO 2834 is not applicable to inks for ink jet printing.

ISO 2834-2-2007 印刷技术.试验印件的实验室制备.第2部分_液态印刷油墨.pdf (147.66 KB)

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