标准号:ISO 8178-4-2007
英文名称:Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Exhaust emission measurement - Part 4: Steady-state test cycles for different engine applications
被替代标准:ISO 8178-4-2017
代替标准:ISO 8178-4-1996;ISO/FDIS 8178-4-2007
采用标准:ABNT NBR ISO 8178-4-2012,IDT;BS ISO 8178-4-2009,IDT;GB/T 8190.4-2010,IDT;NF E37-211-4-2008,IDT;JIS B 8008-4-2009,MOD;GOST ISO 8178-4-2013,IDT;TS ISO 8178-4-2014,IDT;TS ISO 8178-4-2015,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 70
标准简介:This part of ISO 8178 specifies the test cycles for the measurement and the evaluation of gaseous and
particulate exhaust emissions from reciprocating internal combustion (RIC) engines coupled to a
dynamometer. With certain restrictions, this part of ISO 8178 can also be used for measurements at site. The
tests are carried out under steady-state operation using test cycles which are representative of given
This part of ISO 8178 is applicable to RIC engines for mobile, transportable and stationary use, excluding
engines for motor vehicles primarily designed for road use. It may be applied to engines used, e.g. for earthmoving
machines, generating sets and for other applications.
For engines used in machinery covered by additional requirements (e.g. occupational health and safety
regulations, regulations for powerplants) additional test conditions and special evaluation methods may apply.
ISO 8178-4-2007 往复式内燃机.气体排放测量.第4部分_不同用途发动机的恒定试验周期.pdf
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