ISO 18072-1-2007 船舶和海洋技术.船舶结构.第1部分:船舶结构极限状态评估的一般要求

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标准号:ISO 18072-1-2007
英文名称:Ships and marine technology - Ship structures - Part 1: General requirements for their limit state assessment
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 18072-1-2007
起草单位:ISO/TC 8
标准简介:This part of ISO 18072 provides general requirements for the limit state assessment of ship structures
primarily used in the transport of commercial goods and cargos. For the purposes of assessment, the effects
of actions on ship structures are considered in respect of the following limit states: serviceability, ultimate,
fatigue and accidental.
The requirements of this part of ISO 18072 are applicable to global ship structures, as well as the structural
components and details forming such structures. The requirements are applicable during the design,
construction and operation of ship structures. The requirements are also applicable to the conversion of
existing structures. Aspects related to quality control and quality assurance are also addressed.
Whilst the major part of this document assumes the use in an assessment of a partial-factor approach, an
approach based on probabilistic methods may also be adopted.
Whilst compliance with the requirements of this and other parts of ISO 18072 may be used to demonstrate
structural adequacy of a ship structure or its component, compliance with other international and
standards, rules and regulations is required, as applicable to the ship considered. The ship owner
responsible for ensuring compliance with all such standards, rules and regulations.

ISO 18072-1-2007 船舶和海洋技术.船舶结构.第1部分_船舶结构极限状态评估的一般要求.pdf (427.34 KB)

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