ISO 22196-2007 塑料.塑料表面抗菌活性的测量

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标准号:ISO 22196-2007
英文名称:Plastics - Measurement of antibacterial activity on plastics surfaces
被替代标准:ISO 22196-2011
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 22196-2007
采用标准:BS ISO 22196-2007,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 61
标准简介:WARNING — Handling and manipulation of microorganisms which are potentially hazardous requires
a high degree of technical competence and may be subject to current national legislation and
regulations. Only personnel trained in microbiological techniques should carry out such tests.
Appropriate practices for disinfection, sterilization and personal hygiene must be strictly observed.
This International Standard specifies a method of evaluating the antibacterial activity of antibacterial-treated
plastic products (including intermediate products).
NOTE It may also be suitable for other non-porous materials.
It is not intended to be used to evaluate the effects and propagation of bacteria on plastics without
antibacterial treatments. ISO 846 [6] describes tests to evaluate the effects and propagation of bacteria on
plastics, which are different from those covered by this International Standard. Those who are interested are
referred to ISO 846:1997, method C.
Secondary effects of antibacterial treatments, such as the prevention of biodeterioration and odour, are not
covered by this International Standard, which is not intended to be used or referenced as a method to
document or claim biodegradability of plastics. For biodegradation, refer to ISO 14851, ISO 14852 and
ISO 14855 (see the Bibliography) and related standards.
This International Standard does not concern plastic building materials, such as PVC or composites, unless
they act in the same way as treated articles.
Any results obtained with this International Standard should always refer to this standard and the conditions
used. Results obtained with this International Standard indicate antibacterial activity under the specified
experimental conditions used herein, and do not reflect activity under other circumstances where a variety of
factors, such as temperature, humidity, different bacterial species, nutrient conditions, etc., have to be
considered. A minimum diffusion of the antibacterial agents/chemicals into the test inoculum is necessary with
this procedure.
It is recommended that workers consult ISO 7218.

ISO 22196-2007 塑料.塑料表面抗菌活性的测量.pdf (242.14 KB)

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