ISO 22306-2007 重力系统纤维增强水泥管、接缝和管件

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标准号:ISO 22306-2007
英文名称:Fibre-reinforced cement pipe, joints and fittings for gravity systems
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 22306-2007
起草单位:ISO/TC 77
标准简介:This International Standard specifies the properties of the piping system and its components made from fibrereinforced
cement, based upon Portland cement, intended to be used for drainage or sewerage systems. This
International Standard is applicable to fibre-reinforced cement pipes and fittings suitable primarily for use in
gravity systems at atmospheric pressure in buried applications.
Pipes satisfying the requirements of this International Standard, although exhibiting some flexible
characteristics, are intended for installations designed using rigid pipe principles.
NOTE 1 In a pipe work system, pipes and fittings of different strength classification can be used together.
NOTE 2 Piping systems conforming to this International Standard can be used also for non-buried applications
provided the influences of the environment and the supports are considered in the design of the pipes, fittings and joints.
NOTE3 This International Standard addresses aspects of long-term performance of pipe (see Annex J).
NOTE 4 Purchasers should satisfy themselves that the class of pipe specified on the basis of this International
Standard is suitable for its intended application.
NOTE 5 Compliance with Annex G of this International Standard might not satisfy national regulatory requirements.

ISO 22306-2007 重力系统纤维增强水泥管、接缝和管件.pdf (443.92 KB)

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