标准号:ISO 10364-2007
英文名称:Structural adhesives - Determination of the pot life (working life) of multi-component adhesives
被替代标准:ISO 10364-2015
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 10364-2007
采用标准:JIS K 6870-2008,MOD
起草单位:ISO/TC 61
标准简介:This International Standard specifies methods for determining the pot life of multi-component adhesives in
order to be able to determine whether the pot life conforms to the minimum specified working life required of
an adhesive.
NOTE 1 For the purposes of simplification, the term “pot life” is deemed to have the same meaning as “working life”
and will be used to represent both throughout this International Standard.
The test methods described are suitable for assessing all multi-component adhesives, and especially
epoxy-based and polyurethane-based adhesives, but they are not suitable for some acrylic-based adhesives.
NOTE 2 This International Standard can also be used for assessing non-structural adhesives.
ISO 10364-2007 结构粘合剂.多组分粘合剂工作寿命的测定.pdf
(150.52 KB)