ISO 5001-2007 釉层用冷轧碳素薄钢板

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标准号:ISO 5001-2007
英文名称:Cold-reduced carbon steel sheet for vitreous enamelling
被替代标准:ISO 5001-2012
代替标准:ISO 5001-1999;ISO/DIS 5001-2006
采用标准:06/30144092 DC-2006,IDT;JIS G 3133-2009,MOD
起草单位:ISO/TC 17
标准简介:This International Standard applies to cold-reduced carbon steel sheet of commercial and drawing
qualities for vitreous enamelling, where the surface of the sheet and chemical composition of the base metal
are of prime importance.
Sheet for vitreous enamelling is produced in thicknesses of 0,35 mm and thicker (commonly up to
3 mm) and in widths of 600 mm and wider in coils and cut lengths. Sheet for vitreous enamelling less than
600 mm wide may be slit from wide sheet and will be considered sheet.
Commercial-quality sheet (VE01) is intended for general fabricating purposes where sheet is used in
the flat form, or for bending or moderate forming.
Drawing-quality sheet (VE02, VE03, VE04 and VE05) is intended for drawing and severe forming. It is
furnished to all requirements of this International Standard or, by agreement when ordered, to fabricate an
identified part, in which case the mechanical properties of Table 1 do not apply. If strain ageing is to be
minimized, grade VE04 or VE05 should be specified.
Drawing qualities are identified as follows:
VE02 — drawing quality;
VE03 — deep-drawing quality;
VE04 — deep-drawing quality aluminium-killed (see 4.7);
VE05 — extra-deep-drawing quality (stabilized interstitial-free).
The designations in 1.3 and 1.4 include the qualities of sheet steel for vitreous enamelling. The
designation VE represents “vitreous enamelling” similar to CR “cold reduced”. The numbers 01, 02, 03, 04 and
05 are common to other standards, indicating the qualities of commercial, drawing, deep-drawing, deepdrawing
aluminium-killed and extra-deep-drawing stabilized interstitial-free.

ISO 5001-2007 釉层用冷轧碳素薄钢板.pdf (153.19 KB)

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