ISO 24531-2007 职能运输系统.系统建筑学、分类学和术语学.在ITS标准、数据注册和数据字典中使用可扩展标记语言(XML)

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标准号:ISO 24531-2007
英文名称:Intelligent transport systems - System architecture, taxonomy and terminology - Using XML in ITS standards, data registries and data dictionaries
被替代标准:ISO 24531-2013
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 24531-2007
采用标准:BS ISO 24531-2007,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 204
标准简介:The International Standard has been developed to assist developers and users of intelligent transport systems
(ITS) standards who wish to use extensible markup language (XML), by providing a consistent definition of the
rules and rule references for the use of XML within ITS systems. The scope of the International Standard is to
define consistent rules and rule references to provide a framework to be used when implementing XML-based
applications in ITS, and particularly, in specifying XML in ITS standards, ITS data registries and ITS data
dictionaries. This International Standard also provides guidance and examples in respect of the use of XML in
ITS, and the elaboration of XML within the abstract syntax notation one (ASN.1) data definitions required by
ISO 14813-6 and ISO 14817.
This International Standard defines:
- Rules concerning the creation of XML Schemas for ensuring interoperability in various types of ITS
applications that use XML (Clause 7, normative);
- Rules for using XML for the purpose of reusing XML Schemas (Clause 7, normative);
- Rules concerning registration and management of XML components in data dictionaries and data
registries (Clause 8, normative);
- Examples of the use of XML in ITS applications (Annex A, informative);
- Representation of IRI (international resource identifiers) and/or ID-related constructs of this standard
(Annex B, informative);
- Schema header template (Annex C, informative);
- Example of registering XML constructs (Annex D, informative);
- Example of automatic generation of an XML Schema from unified modelling language (UML)
(Annex E, informative);
- Applying ASN.1 encoding for XML document (Annex F, informative);
- ASN.1 transformation to XML Schema example (Annex G, informative).
NOTE A table of language comparisons (XML, ASN.1, UML) may be found in ISO 14813-6.

ISO 24531-2007 职能运输系统.系统建筑学、分类学和术语学.在ITS标准、数据注册和数据字典中使用可扩展标记语言(XML).pdf (1.73 MB)

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