ISO 8331-2007 橡胶和塑料软管及软管组件. 选择、储存、使用和维修指南

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标准号:ISO 8331-2007
中文名称:橡胶和塑料软管及软管组件. 选择、储存、使用和维修指南
英文名称:Tuyaux et flexibles en caoutchouc et en plastique - Lignes directrices pour la sélection, le stockage, l’utilisation et la maintenance (Troisième édition)
被替代标准:ISO 8331-2014
代替标准:ISO 8331-1991;ISO/FDIS 8331-2007
采用标准:DIN EN ISO 8331-2010,IDT;BS ISO 8331-2007,IDT;FprEN ISO 8331-2010,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 45
标准简介:This International Standard sets out recommendations designed to maintain rubber and plastics hoses and
hose assemblies, prior to use, in a condition as close as possible to the condition they were in when they were
received and to obtain the expected service life.
NOTE It is intended that this International Standard be used in conjunction with any applicable national statutory

ISO 8331-2007 橡胶和塑料软管及软管组件. 选择、储存、使用和维修指南.pdf (199.27 KB)

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