ISO 14577-4-2007 金属材料.测量硬度和材料参数用仪器压痕试验.第4部分:金属和非金属覆层试验方法

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标准号:ISO 14577-4-2007
英文名称:Metallic materials - Instrumented indentation test for hardness and materials parameters - Part 4: Test method for metallic and non-metallic coatings
被替代标准:ISO 14577-4-2016
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 14577-4-2007
采用标准:DIN EN ISO 14577-4-2007,IDT;BS EN ISO 14577-4-2007,IDT;GB/T 21838.4-2008,MOD;EN ISO 14577-4-2007,IDT;NF A03-155-4-2007,IDT;SN EN ISO 14577-4-2007,IDT;OENORM EN ISO 14577-4-2007,IDT;PN-EN ISO 14577-4-2007,IDT;UNE-EN ISO 14577-4-2008,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 164
标准简介:This part of ISO 14577 specifies a method for testing coatings which is particularly suitable for testing in the
nano/micro range applicable to thin coatings.
This test method is limited to the examination of single layers when the indentation is carried out normal to the
test piece surface, but graded and multilayer coatings can also be measured in cross-section if the thickness
of the individual layers or gradations is greater than the spatial resolution of the indentation process.
The test method is not limited to any particular type of material. Metallic, non-metallic and organic coatings are
included in the scope of this part of ISO 14577.
The application of this part of ISO 14577 regarding measurement of hardness is only possible if the indenter is
a pyramid or a cone with a radius of tip curvature small enough for plastic deformation to occur within the
coating. The hardness of visco-elastic materials, or materials exhibiting significant creep will be strongly
affected by the time taken to perform the test.

ISO 14577-4-2007 金属材料.测量硬度和材料参数用仪器压痕试验.第4部分_金属和非金属覆层试验方法.pdf (1.56 MB)

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