ISO 2910-2007 电影技术.电影投影的银幕亮度和色度

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标准号:ISO 2910-2007
英文名称:Cinematography - Screen luminance and chrominance for the projection of motion pictures
被替代标准:ISO 2910-2018
代替标准:ISO 2910-1990;ISO/DIS 2910-2006
采用标准:BS ISO 2910-2007,IDT;KS A ISO 2910-2013,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 36
标准简介:This International Standard specifies the screen luminance level and chrominance white point for theatrical projection of 70 mm, 35 mm and 16 mm motion-picture prints at a rate of 24 frames per second.
This International Standard can also be applicable to the non-theatrical presentation of 70 mm, 35 mm and 16 mm motion-picture prints intended for projection at 24 frames per second.
NOTE     Throughout this International Standard, the term "screen" means the screen-picture area appropriate to the film format and projection system in use.

ISO 2910-2007 电影技术.电影投影的银幕亮度和色度.pdf (135.83 KB)

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