ISO/TS 10303-1627-2006 工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和交换.第1627部分:应用模块:AP210印刷电路功能和物理特性

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标准号:ISO/TS 10303-1627-2006
英文名称:Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Part 1627: Application module: AP210 printed part functional and physical characterization
起草单位:ISO/TC 184
标准简介:ISO/TS 10303-1627:2006 specifies the application module for AP210 printed part functional and physical characterization.
ISO/TS 10303-1627:2006 deals with the representation of printed part functional and physical characterization. Printed part data includes following information:
device model;
layout template data;
functional data;
environmental constraints;
performance data;
simulation models.
Sufficient data is provided for product realization as part of a higher level interconnect realization process. Mapping of analysis model connection points to printed part terminals is provided. Formal encapsulation of external data type definitions is made for parametric data and analysis models. Pin mapping is provided to ensure consistency between device views. Shape, material, technology, tolerance on shape and on parameters, units are included. Shapes included may be categorized according to discipline (e.g. thermal analysis, vibration analysis), and analysis environment (e.g. design, assembly, enduser). Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing is included. The functional data includes two distinct data sets:
hierarchical functional decomposition into behavioural elements embedded in a network represented at each level by a nodal formulation;
collection of device terminals that implement the functionality of a network node.
Configuration management information and design change management information is provided. This data includes at least one geometric representation.
The following are within the scope of ISO/TS 10303-1627:2006:
printed layout template;
functional network representation;
pin mapping to simulation models;
configuration management;
design change management.

ISO_TS 10303-1627-2006 工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和交换.第1627部分_应用模块_AP210印刷电路功能和物理特性.pdf (48.2 KB)

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