ISO 2846-1-2006 图象技术.四套色印刷油墨设备的彩色透明片.第1部分:送纸和热定型卷筒纸胶印石版画印刷术

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标准号:ISO 2846-1-2006
英文名称:Graphic technology - Colour and transparency of printing ink sets for four-colour printing - Part 1: Sheet-fed and heat-set web offset lithographic printing
代替标准:ISO 2846-1-1997;ISO/DIS 2846-1-2005
采用标准:ABNT NBR ISO 2846-1-2010,IDT;BS ISO 2846-1-2007,IDT;GB/T 30329.1-2013,MOD;SS-ISO 2846-1-2006,IDT;UNE-ISO 2846-1-2014,IDT;TS ISO 2846-1-2015,IDT;NEN-ISO 2846-1-2006 en-2006,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 130
标准简介:This part of ISO 2846 specifies the colour and transparency characteristics that have to be met by each ink in a process colour ink set intended for proof and production printing using offset lithography. The specified printing conditions (which use a laboratory printability tester), the defined substrate and a method for testing to ensure conformance are also defined. Characteristics are specified for inks used for sheet-fed, heat-set web and radiation-curing processes.
  This part of ISO 2846 does not apply to flurecent inks and it does not specify pigments (or spectral characteristics - except informatively) in order not to preclude developments which may enable different pigments combinations to be used advantageously while still achieving the colorimetric requirements specified in this part of ISO 2846.

ISO 2846-1-2006 图象技术.四套色印刷油墨设备的彩色透明片.第1部分_送纸和热定型卷筒纸胶印石版画印刷术.pdf (268.73 KB)

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