ISO 9712 CORR 1-2006 无损试验.人员的资格鉴定认证.技术勘误1

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标准号:ISO 9712 CORR 1-2006
英文名称:Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification of personnel; Technical Corrigendum 1
被替代标准:ISO 9712-2012
起草单位:ISO/TC 135
标准简介:This International Standard sprcifies the qualification and certification of personnel involved in non-destructive testing(NDT).It is  applicable to proficiency in one or more of the following methods:
- acoustic emission testing;
- eddy current testing ;
- infrared thermographic testing;
- leak testing (hydraulic pressure tests excluded);
- magnetic particle testing;
- penetrant testing;
- strain testing ;
- ultrasonic testing;
- visual testing (direct unaided visual tests and visual tests carried out during the application of another NDT method are excluded).
Certification to this International Stantard provides an attestation of general competence of the NDT operator.It does not represent an authorization to operate ,since  this remains the responsibility of the employer, and the certified emplyee may require additional specialized knowledge of parameters such as equipment,NDT procedures,materials and products of the employer.Where required by regulatory requirementw and codes,the authorization to operate will be given in writing by the employer in accordande with a quality procedure that defines any emp;oyer-required job-specific training and examinations designed to berify the certidicate holder's knowledge of relevant industry code(s),standard(s),NDT procedures,equipment,and acceprande criteria for the tested products.
The system specified by this International Standard could also be applicable to other NDT methods,where independent certification programs exist.

ISO 9712 CORR 1-2006 无损试验.人员的资格鉴定认证.技术勘误1.pdf (1.13 MB)

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