ISO 22472-2006 船舶和航海技术.航海数据记录仪(VDR)的操作和安装用指南

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标准号:ISO 22472-2006
英文名称:Ships and marine technology - Guidelines for the operation and installation of voyage data recorders (VDR)
被替代标准:ISO 22472-2016
代替标准:ISO/DIS 22472-2005
采用标准:BS ISO 22472-2007,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 8
标准简介:This International Standard provides guidance for the planning, installation and operational testing of VDR
S-VDR installations according to the electric/electronic and acoustic specifications of IMO A.861 (20),
IMO MSC.163 (78) and IEC 61996 (including IEC 61996-2, Simplified voyage data recorder). These standards
mainly deal with interfaces between VDR/S-VDR and external sensors, which is the main subject for technical
agreements between user, shipyard, VDR/S-VDR supplier and/or sensor manufacturers when installations are
planned. In addition, matters of performance test and playback are also described. Furthermore, details for
checking of items related to the interfaces and the installation are introduced. This International Standard is
not intended for the standardization of performance factors and functional requirements related to VDR and/or
Hereafter, VDR means VDR and S-VDR unless specifically indicated otherwise.
NOTE All text of this International Standard which is identical to that of IMO A.861, IMO MSC.163, IEC 61996 and
IEC 61996-2 is formatted in italics, and the Regulation and associated performance standard paragraph numbers are
indicated in brackets, where necessary.

ISO 22472-2006 船舶和航海技术.航海数据记录仪(VDR)的操作和安装用指南.pdf (525.73 KB)

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