ISO 24431-2006 储气瓶.压缩气体和液化气体(乙炔除外)用储气瓶.灌装检验

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标准号:ISO 24431-2006
英文名称:Gas cylinders - Cylinders for compressed and liquefied gases (excluding acetylene) - Inspection at time of filling
被替代标准:ISO 24431-2016
代替标准:ISO 10463-1993;ISO 11113-1995;ISO/FDIS 24431-2006
采用标准:BS ISO 24431-2007,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 58
标准简介:This International Standard specifies the inspection requirements at the time of filling, and applies to seamless
or welded transportable gas cylinders made of steel or aluminium alloy for liquefied or compressed gases
(excluding acetylene) of a water capacity of between 0,5 l and 150 l. It also applies to cylinders of less than
0,5 l water capacity, as far as practicable.
This International Standard does not apply to cylinders manifolded in bundles or trailers.
This International Standard applies primarily to industrial gases other than liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), but
may also be applied to LPG. For specific LPG applications, refer to ISO 10691.
For cylinders manifolded in bundles, refer to ISO 11755.
NOTE In International Standards, weight is equivalent to a force, expressed in newtons, However, in common
parlance (as used in terms defined in this International Standard), the word “weight” continues to be used to mean “mass”,
although this practice is deprecated (see ISO 80000-4).

ISO 24431-2006 储气瓶.压缩气体和液化气体(乙炔除外)用储气瓶.灌装检验.pdf (220.32 KB)

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