ISO 2859-10-2006 用属性检验的抽样程序.第10部分:介绍属性检验的抽样程序用ISO 2859系列标准

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标准号:ISO 2859-10-2006
中文名称:用属性检验的抽样程序.第10部分:介绍属性检验的抽样程序用ISO 2859系列标准
英文名称:Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes - Part 10: Introduction to the ISO 2859 series of standards for sampling for inspection by attributes
被替代标准:ISO 28590-2017
代替标准:ISO 2859-0-1995;ISO/FDIS 2859-10-2006
采用标准:DIN ISO 2859-10-2009,IDT;DIN ISO 2859-10-2008,IDT;BS 6001-0-2006,IDT;GB/T 2828.10-2010,MOD;NF X06-022-10-2006,IDT;UNE-ISO 2859-10-2013,IDT;SANS 2859-10-2008,IDT;KS Q ISO 2859-10-2014,IDT;GOST R ISO 2859-10-2008,IDT;TS ISO 2859-10-2012,IDT;DS/ISO 2859-10-2007,IDT;UNI ISO 2859-10-2007-2007,IDT;STN ISO 2859-10-2009,IDT;SANS 2859-10-2008,IDT;SANS 2859-10-2008-2008,IDT;CSN ISO 2859-10-2007,IDT;DS/ISO 2859-10-2007,IDT;NEN-ISO 2859-10-2006 en-2006,NEQ;SANS 2859-10-2008-2008,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 69
标准简介:This part of ISO 2859 provides a general introduction to acceptance sampling by attributes and provides a brief summary of the attribute sampling schemes and plans used in ISO 2859-1, ISO 2859-2, ISO 2859-3, ISO 2859-4 and ISO 2859-5, which describe specific types of attribute sampling systems. It also provides guidance on the selection of the appropriate inspection system for use in a particular situation.

ISO 2859-10-2006 用属性检验的抽样程序.第10部分_介绍属性检验的抽样程序用ISO 2859系列标准.pdf (242.51 KB)

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