ISO/TS 14907-2-2006 道路运输和交通远程信息处理技术.电子收费.用户和固定设备的试验规程.第2部分:路上装置设备接口的性能试验

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标准号:ISO/TS 14907-2-2006
英文名称:Road transport and traffic telematics - Electronic fee collection - Test procedures for user and fixed equipment - Part 2: Conformance test for the onboard unit application interface
被替代标准:ISO/TS 14907-2-2011
采用标准:DIN ISO/TS 14907-2-2006,IDT;BS DD CEN ISO/TS 14907-2-2006,IDT;CEN ISO/TS 14907-2-2006,IDT;prCEN ISO/TS 14907-2-2004,IDT;OENORM CEN ISO/TS 14907-2-2006,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 204
标准简介:This CEN/ISO Technical Specification describes tests that verify OBU conformance of implementations of
functions and data structures, as defined in the implementation conformance statement based on ISO 14906,
for EFC applications. After the tests of isolated data items and functions (C.1-C.2), an example is given for
testing of a complete EFC transaction (C.3).
The scope of this CEN/ISO Technical Specification comprises definitions of OBU conformance assessment
tests of:
Basic DSRC L7 functionality;
EFC application functions;
EFC attributes (i.e. EFC application information);
the addressing procedures of EFC attributes and (hardware) components (e.g. ICC and MMI);
the EFC transaction model, which defines the common elements and steps of any EFC transaction; and
the behaviour of the interface so as to support interoperability on an EFC-DSRC application interface
The purpose of this CEN/ISO Technical Specification is to define tests that:
assess OBU capabilities;
assess OBU behaviour;
serve as a guide for OBU conformance evaluation and type approval;
achieve comparability between the results of the corresponding tests applied in different places at
different times; and
facilitate communications between parties.
Whereas this Technical Specification defines examples of test cases for DSRC and EFC functionality in
Annex C, it does not intend to specify a complete test suite for a certain implementation. To compose a test
suite for a specific EFC implementation, the test cases may have to be modified and new test cases may have
to be defined and added in order for the conformance test to be complete. It may be useful to take into
account the following considerations when defining a complete test suite:
Small range: “exhaustive testing” of critical interoperability/compatibility features;
Large range: testing of boundaries and random values;
Composite types: testing of individual items in sequence or parallel.

ISO_TS 14907-2-2006 道路运输和交通远程信息处理技术.电子收费.用户和固定设备的试验规程.第2部分_路上装置设备接口的性能试验.pdf (1.98 MB)

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